Supercharge Your Debugging with colorful-logger (timestamps)@hipstersantos/colorful-logger: A Vibrant Alternative to console.logMar 3Mar 3
psql -U postgres -d postgres psql: error: connection to server on socket “/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432”If you're a postgres user potentially you have seen or ran into this error before , but what's behind this . way before long I'd like to…Feb 20Feb 20
How I've learned German in one Monthglad you're here , I'm language enthusiast , after master english and Russian I challenge myself to start learning german , but for this…Nov 2, 2024Nov 2, 2024
My journey migrating to ML(Machine learning) (in progress…)I'm a +9y Fullstack engineer ,3 years ago I just decided to migrate to DataScience world, but why? what do you wanna do with this ? this…Oct 26, 2024Oct 26, 2024
All you need to know about Electron(inprogress)A definitive guide Electron+Nodejs+PythonOct 20, 2024Oct 20, 2024
You only need this Python Websocket turtorial to start build you event-driven backend(in-progress)Sep 21, 2024Sep 21, 2024
React Native Полное руководство онлайнОсвойте React Native с опытным разработчикомSep 18, 2024Sep 18, 2024